Mon, Nov 07, 2011 - 5:54 am

Christchurch Earthquake Victim wins $1 Million 0z Lotto proze

2 min read

A New Zealand couple have won $1 Million in an Australian lottery.

They are now planning to relocate from their earthquake devastated home to the sub-tropical Australian state of Queensland.

The couple’s home was badly damaged in the heartbreaking earthquake that near destroyed Christchurch earlier this year.

They had decided to investigate a possible move to Brisbane, Australia to be closer to family and friends whom have already made the move over. They visited last week to start researching and whilst they were there, purchased a ticket in the Oz Lotto draw.

Their number s came up! They were instant millionaires.

The Oz Lotto results for Tuesday 22nd November (the draw they had bought a ticket in), were 5, 10, 11, 16, 21, 25 and 37 with the supplementary numbers 12 and 39.

Once they realised they had the corresponding numbers, they contacted Golden Casket in Queensland straight away to see exactly how much they had won.

"When Golden Casket told us we had won one million dollars we burst into tears," they said.

The anonymous couple have had a really tough year and this lotto win comes as a huge blessing for them and their family.

"We started the year with the tragic Christchurch earthquake in February. Then later in the year we both lost our jobs and suffered a family member's unexpected death.

"Following our job losses, we decided that we would leave Christchurch and move to Queensland.

"This money will be an absolute life line for us. We'll be able to buy a house and set up a new life in Queensland."

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